Storytelling / Recurring Dance
Storytelling in Florida
The Florida Storytelling Association http://www.flstory.com/
For a listing of Florida Storytelling Events go to, http://flstory.com/upcoming-events.htmlFlorida
Storyfest, Mt Dora http://www.flstoryfest.com/ or 1-800-327-1796
Ocala Storytelling Festival - Ocala, FL, http://ocalastorytelling.org/
Tampa-Hillsborough Storytelling Festival - Tampa, FL, http://tampastory.org/
Florida Folk Festival - White Springs, FL, http://www.floridastateparks.org/folkfest/
Tale Tellers of St Augustine, FL, www.taletellers.org
Youthful Voices of Florida – Statewide, http://www.flstory.com/youthful-voices.html
Story Tellers of Central Florida, Meetings 6:30 pm, with stories at 7 pm on the 1st Tuesday of the each month, Community Room of the Winter Park Library.
All meetings free and open to the public...General Audience –
Stories, http://www.storytellerscf.org/
English Country Dance classes YMCA, Union St, Sundays 3-5 pm. members free, others $3. Info Rick Haven.
Waltz brunch at GDMA, Sunday after the third Saturday Contra Dance, 10:30am - 2pm. At 11am there will be a brief beginner's lesson. Around noon there will be an intermediate lesson. The Gainesville Dance & Music Assn is at 308 W. University Ave, 2nd floor. $5 per session. Contact Michael atwaltzgainesville@cox.net
Gainesville Country Dancers Every Monday Night English Dancing, 7-10 pm. $5, Set dances, mostly -- contemporary English country, Playford, Recency Era, and ECeilidh with an occasional contra chestnut or triplet thrown in -- beginners welcome; no partner necessary. To join in a pick-up band or for more information, contact tara@p2c2e.net, 352-271-0046. Gainesville Dance & Music Association, 308 W University Avenue, 2nd Floor
Old Time Dance 1st Sunday Community Dance 4-7 pm, Teaching 3:30 pm; wk 5 Boltin Rec Ctr, 516 NE 2nd Ave., Info: 352.495.2243 or 466.0004
Zydeco Dancing & lesson every Thursday at Fat Tuesday, 116 SE 1st St at 2nd Ave. Beginners welcome - no partner needed!! Dress light & casual. Info: 870-2538.http://www.hogtownzydeco.comShow up at 7 pm to learn & dance Zydeco just like in Louisiana
Scottish dancing Tues nights 7:30-10 pm at Destiny Dance Studio, 125 NW 23rd Ave # 15 And no Scottish ancestry required. Beginners welcome, no partner needed. $4 Info-Cinnamon Bair 352.873.9207 orhttp://www.afn.org/~dancegnv
Israeli Folk Dance Tuesdays 7:30. Free. Kol Simcha Temple Meeting @ Calvary Asembly, Newberry Rd & NW 91st St. Info- Antonio Arroya 352.485.1710
Israeli Folk Dance Tuesdays at Reitz Union, UF, free Usually on third floor-contact for room number. Beginner 6-7 pm. Advanced 7-10 pm. Contact: Antonio Arroyo Phone: 352-485-1710 or email:arroyo@mil.ufl.edu
Israeli Folk Dance Every other Wednesday at Hillel, free 16 NW 18th Street. All levels 8-10 pm. Info- Jackie Ginzburg 352-372-2900 orjax7784@aol.com
Argentine Tango Club, every Thurs, Bldg 265, Fletcher Dr, Room 2. Info: Beginners 9:15-9:55, Intermediates 9:55-10:25 pm, practice 10:25-11 pm. IUF Argentine Tango,zbigniew.marczuk@cgu.edu
Brazilian Dance Classes Unified Training Ctr each Wed & Fri 7-8 pm. $50 a month or bring friend to register & get $10 discount. Info 352.338.9063 orjuliana.azoubel@gmail.com
Square Dance Grand Squares, 1910 NW 53rd Ave, Carpenter's Union Hall, Tuesdays 7-9:30 pm. Lesson 7-7:30. Info 352.377.1828.http://www.lonligon.com/grandsquares
Contra Sundays, 4-7 at the Boltin Center, $6 for all the fun you can have. International Dance at GDMA every Friday 8-11, 308 W. University. $3 ($1 for students) Info- . info@gifd.org 352-359-2903
Local and Regional Dance Info at: Dance Gainesville!
Calendar of Monthly Dances at: Gainesville Dance Calendar
Contra Dancing 3rd Fri 7:30-11 pm. Riverside Presbyterian at 849 Park St, Jacksonville, 32204 (Corner of Park St and Post St.) Info- Carole Wetzel musicarole@bellsouth.net. (904) 396 1997
Scottish Country Dance Group each Thur 7-9 at Mark Spivak Institute and Dance Extension, 3740 San Jose Pl, Jacksonville, Fl 32257. Info: Anne at 321-302-4152 or Annehueser@comcast.net; or Curt Beadell 904-704-1807, or selkies2@comcast.net
Square Dancing every Thurs 7:30, Spirit of the Suwannee Park. Info: 904.364.1863
Ocala Dance Center has moved to a beautiful new location. We are now in the Oakbrooke shopping center, S.E. corner of NE14th St. & NE 25th Ave., (2608 NE 14th St) Info: 352-351-2423, ocaladancecenter@netzero.netorhttp://www.ocaladancecenter.com
Contras & Squares 4th Sat. Info: 904.471.1584 or 904.823.9315
Tallahassee Community Friends of Old Time Dance (TCFOOTD). Contra dance the second Friday and usually the forth Saturday of each month at the Tallahassee Senior Center, 1400 N Monroe St., Tallahassee, FL, 7:30-10:30 PM. $7 adults, $5 students and senior citizens. 850-421-1559 or 850-878-6280. Check website for schedule:www.tallydancer.com.
Contra Dance 1st Sat. 7:00 instruction, 7:30-10:30pm dance. Adults $10 (except for special dances), 21 and under $6, Cocoa Beach Recreation Center, 321 Ramp Road. Non-marring soft-soled shoes requested. Info: Catie Geist catiegeist@att.net 321-427-3587 or Janet Harazda 321-917-4529, http://cocoabeachcontra.org/index.htm.
English Country dance classes, YMCA on Union St, Sundays, 3-5 pm. YMCA members free, else $3. Info: Rick Haven.
Dixie Squares each Thur 7-8:30 pm for squares. Regular Dancing til 10 pm. Caller John Barrett, rounds caller Audrey Phillips. City Rec Ctr. Info Chuck & Mary Lynn Hastings. 386.760.0421
Starlight Promenaders each Wed 6:30-8:30 pm. Visitors welcome. Don Furnish caller, Roy Brown cuer. Debary Comm. Center 38 Shell Rd. Info: Ann Copeland 407.574.3190 or 532.5215, or Don 407.330.4431
Young at Heart Dance Group, Sun 7 pm. FREE to out of town guests & dancers, $2 admission includes 1 hr line dancing. Ballroom begins 8 pm. Debary Community Center, 38 Shell Rd. Info: Al- 407.574.1997
Deland Dance Club 10 am-noon 1st, 2nd & 4th Fri- Oct-Apr. Deland Act. Ctr, S Alabama Ave. Info: Leo 386.789.3304, Center 734.0581
Diamond Dust Cloggers 7-8 pm ea. Thur VFW Post Home 2380, 510 S Alabama. Honeybees Square & Round Club Dance ea. Mon 6:30-10 pm. Beginners 6:30,Regulars plus dancing,
8 pm. Visitors welcome. RJ Hogan caller, Jim Cowan cuer. Deland Activities Center, 715 S Alabama Ave in Earl Brown Park. Info: Gloria 904.789.5862 or Navy 386.736.2962
Deland International Folk Dance 1st & 3rd Tues Oct-Apr. No partner or experience needed. All levels, lessons for beginners. 7 to 9 PM at The Rosewood Center, 321 W. Pennsylvania Ave. Info: 386-738-3563 or 386-589-5855
Gator Country Cloggers, each Wed 6:30-9:30 pm, DeLand Act Ctr, Earl Brown Park, 715 S Alabama Ave. Info: Connie Roberts 407.736.1279 or Jane Grove 904.357.0796
Old Hickory Stompers Cloggers, each Tues. Beg. lessons free. Intermediate & advanced clogging too. So Sparkle & Electric Youth competition teams. All cloggers welcome. Deltona Civic Assn 980 Lakeshore Dr. Info: 407.774.5437, 789.8106, or 349.9529
Hollywood East Clogger search Wed 6:30-7:30 pm; Intermed 7:30-8:30. Deltona Civic Assn Community Ctr,980 Lakeshore Dr.
Caloosa River Cloggers each Thurs eve. Info: Dave Conklin- 239.543.3396
Contra dance every 4thSat 8-11 pm, 881 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Beginners at 8 pm $10, or $5 with student ID. Info BJ Best at 518-698-8559, oryogadancer5252@aol.com
Clogging each Tues 7-9 pm, Community Center, 1st St NW. Beginner & Intermediate. Info: 813.949.9862 or 813.238.4919
English Country Dancing each Tuesday 6-9pm, Community House, 6200 Hall Road, Melbourne Village.Info: Catie Geist catiegeist@att.net 321-427-3587
Scottish Country Dancing each Monday 6:30-9:30pm. Community House, 6200 Hall Road, Melbourne Village. Info: Catie Geist catiegeist@att.net 321-427-3587
South Brevard International Folk Dancers, each Thursday 7-10pm. Community House, 6200 Hall Road, Melbourne Village. Info: Willa 321-254-7090 or Bernice 321-727-3333
Dance every 4th Fri, 3960 S Pine Ave at Oakbrooke Shopping Ctr, SE corner NE 14th St & NE 25th Ave (2608 NE 14th St). Group lesson 7:30-8 pm, 8-10 pm Practice Party. Info: 352-351-2423 or ocaladancecenter@netzero.net or http://www.ocaladancecenter.com
Florida Clogging Council NFP Organization established to promote clogging in Florida. Activities info: Betty- 904.775.7940
International Folk Dancing each Wed Sept-June, 7:30-10 pm, 9859 Berry Dease Road, Orlando. Info: 407.275.6247 henderp@bellsouth.net
Sawgrass Revue Cloggers practice & demo, 2nd Sun 2-4 pm Oscar Scherer Park. Info: 941.497.3300
Tampa Friends of Old Time Dance - 3rd Fri, 2nd & 4th Sat, various locations, 7:30-11:30 pm. $7 adults, $5 students & seniors. Live music and caller. No experience or partner needed. Info: 727.823.2725
Hollywood E. Cloggers Thurs 6:30-8:30 pm, Melodee Skating Rink. Info: Dawn or Tina- 352.775.4255 or instructor- 352.735.0270
Grapevine International Folk Dancers, Bayfront Community Center, 801 N. Tamiami Trail, Wednesdays. Easy dances from 7 to 8 pm. More advanced 8 to 9:30 pm. No partner or experience required. Contact 941-351- 6281
Sarasota Scottish Country Dancers, Bayfront Community Center, 801 N. Tamiami Trail, behind the Municipal Auditorium. Thursday's 7pm -9:30pm. Beginners Welcome. Fee:$5 Contact Delores Lustig 941-923-2431 http://www.sarasotascd.org/
Sarasota's Community Radio Station WSLR launches a monthly Contra Dance Series. Call 941-894-6469 for info. http://www.wslr.org/station-events
Contra Dance Third Saturday of every month 7:00pm instruction, dance from 7:30 to 10:30pm David Schechter Community Center1089 S. Patrick Drive, Satellite Beach, FL Janet Harazda 321-917-4529 Jere Nicholson 321-272-8050
Tampa Friends of Old Time Dance - 3rd Fri, 2nd & 4th Sat, various locations, 7:30-11:30 pm. $7 adults, $5 students & seniors. Live music and caller. No experience or partner needed. Info http://www.tampabaycontra.com/or 727.823.2725
International Folk Dance - Fridays 7:30- 9:30 pm, beginners welcome, no partner needed. David M. Barksdale Senior Center, 1801 N. Lincoln Ave. 813.348.1180 for directions. $2. Andy 813.882.4472 or Terry 813.234.1231.Call before coming in case of cancellation
Israeli Folk Dancing each Tues 6:45-10 pm; beginner teaching 6:45- 7:45. 7:45- 10 pm. Requests and 2 intermed/difficult dances taught. Kate Jackson RecCenter in Hyde Park. 821 S. Rome. $2. Andi 813.985.5611 or Terry 813.234.1231. Call ahead in case of cancellation.
Scandinavian Turning Classes, Kate Jackson Rec Center, Hyde Park. Music most Wed. Level 1, 7 pm, level 2 8-9:30. $2.50. Info: Judith 813.254.3359
English Country Dancing, Wednesday evenings (at a private home) Info: Ed Swan 321-269-3682
Scottish Country Dancing, 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday evenings (at a private home) Info: Ed Swan 321-269-3682
We're introducing contra dance to the Palmetto Bay area. Andy Shore will be the caller for the first event, on Saturday, Jan. 30, at Perrine-Peters Methodist Church, 18301 S. Dixie Hwy. That's a couple of miles east of the Florida Turnpike's Eureka Drive (SW 184th Street) exit. It starts at 7:30 p.m. for beginners, 8 p.m. for experienced dancers. Suggested donation $10 or, for students, $5. Bring a snack to share. There's ample off-street parking -- but car pooling is a swell idea. If you have questions, call Liz at 786-242-0766 or write John Hopkins
Contra Dance at Unitarian Universalist, 2601 St Andrews Blvd. 3rd Sat. of every month. Lesson: 7pm, Dance: 7:30pm, $10 admission, $5 for 18 and under, and as needed. Info 954.921.8704 or 561.395.73
Davie Barn Dance (Contra Dance) on the 2nd Sat of each month, Davie Woman's Club, 6551 Orange Drive, Davie. Info: Marty Spencer 954.270.9764
Israeli Dancing: Weekly sessions on Wednesdays 7PM to 9PM at the Beach Community Center of Fort Lauderdale, free parking, 3351 NE 33rd Ave (A1A & Oakland Park Blvd). Amazing Middle Eastern music & striking/creative choreography, Each session starts with classic circle dances and progresses to more contemporary ones. All levels are welcome. DANCE with us, where every week is a Special Event!, For more info call Dan 808-280-1051. Also available Israeli Folk Dancing beginner group special lessons in Oakland Park (Federal Hwy & Oakland Park Blvd), At no charge donations welcome, For more info Dan 808-280-1051